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FLS1200台式多通道DFB光源 详情介绍



FLS1200 More Channels DFB Laser Source


产 品 规 格




概 述 Descriptions


       FLS1200 台式多通道DFB激光光源可用于波分复用(WDM)元件,光波导光栅阵列(AWG)元件,平面光波导(PLC)元件,光放大器(EDFA)和通常的光纤光学的测量和应用,性能高超,经济实用。


         The FLS1200 More Channels DFB Laser Source offers superior performance for the test of WDM, WDM components, AWG & PLC components, optical amplifiers, and other general purpose of fiber optical test and measurement applications. It is special design for volume production line application.


         FLS1200 DFB光源模块可提供两个或四个通道、多个的固定波长的光源输出信号,OpeakTech 公司也可以按照客户需求,定制任意两个或四个波长组合的光源模块,目前可选择的光源波长为85098012501270129013101330135013701390141014501470149015101530 15501570159016101625nm


The FLS1200 DFB laser source is a High Performance, Small Dimension, Fast Startup, Affordable Optical Laser Source. It provides two channels or four channels high performance, fix wavelength laser output. OpeakTech also can provide any two channels or four channels of 850, 980, 1250, 1270, 1290, 1310, 1330, 1350, 1370, 1390, 1410, 1450, 1470, 1490, 1510, 1530, 1550, 1570, 1590, 1610, 1625 nm wavelength laser outputper customer’s request.

                          单波长                                                            双波长                                                                        多波长


特 点 Features

u  性能高超 High performance

u  启动快速  Quick startup

u  可定制不同波长的光源输出信号

u   Any Two Channels or Four Channels difference   wavelength selectable

u  体积小巧、价格实惠 Small dimension Affordable price

应 用 Applications

v  WDMAWGPLC器件差损,回损检测

v  WDM, AWG, PLC components Insertion Loss, Return Loss test

v   光纤传感器,光纤电缆测量检测 Fiber Sensor, Fiber Cable test

v  偏振模式色散 (PMD) 和偏振差损 (PDL) 测量  PMD and PDL measurement

v  光纤光学,通讯光学的实验室研发测量应用  Fiber Optical, Telcom R & D lab test


性 能 指 标 Specification


Model #

FLS1200 双通道


FLS1200 四通道

four channels


Operating   Wavelength

1310   / 1550 nm

1270   / 1310 / 1490 / 1550 nm

可选波长 Option  Wavelength

850,   980, 1250, 1270, 1290, 1310, 1330, 1350, 1370,

1390,   1410, 430,1450,1470,1490,1510,1530,1550,1570,

1590,   1610, 1625 ,1650nm

波长精度 avelength Accuracy

+/- 2nm

输出功率 Output Power

>=   2.0 mW  OR   >= 10.0 mW


Optical   Interface Type

FC/APC   (可定制其它类型的适配器)

波段带宽@   -20dB

<   0. 5 nm

输出功率稳定性 (15   分钟)

Power   stability within 15mins

<=   +/- 0.01 dB

输出功率稳定性 (1小时)

Power   stability within 1hrs

<=   +/- 0.03 dB

边模抑制比   (dB)

Side-mode   Suppression Ratio

>   35 dB

储存温度Storage   Temperature

-10   +80℃

工作温度 Operating Temperature

0°C   ~ +45°C

外形尺寸 Dimension

280   mm D, 90 mm H,450 mm L

订购信息 Order information



Option  Wavelength   (nm)

85   = 850

98   = 980

25   = 1250

27   = 1270

29=   1290

31=   1310

33   = 1330

35   = 1350

37   = 1370

39   = 1390

41=   1410

43=   1430

45   = 1450

47   = 1470

49   = 1490

51   = 1510

53=   1530

55=   1550

57   = 1570

59   = 1590

60=   1610

62   = 1625



